
Maintaining Oral Health at Home

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Patient safety is always our top priority at Corbin Dental. We are taking patients with dental emergencies and are helping patients reschedule their routine dental appointments and cleanings. Our dental team also wants to remind our patients to continue to take care of their teeth at this time, as several dental problems may arise from stress.

Patients who are stressed may be more prone to issues such as TMJ, mouth sores, and gum disease. Dr. Bruce and Richard Corbin and their dental team are passionate about patients’ health and safety. Here are some dental tips to remember while maintaining your oral health at home:

Maintaining Oral Health at Home

Maintain Oral Hygiene

Practicing social distancing or self-quarantining is a good time as any to take the opportunity to be especially meticulous with your home hygiene. Brush regularly with fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristle brush, floss, and use mouthwash every day. You can also try brushing after every meal, not just twice a day. Maintaining your oral health can also help prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

Eat Healthier Snacks

It can also be tempting to snack on junk food when you’re bored at home. However, the processed sugars in these foods are one of the leading causes of tooth decay. Try to choose healthier snacks like fruits and cheese to keep your body and especially your teeth happy and healthy. It is also important to brush your teeth whether you’re eating candy or fruit because the sugar can cause tooth decay in both cases.

Receiving a Dental Emergency Consultation

Many people are afraid of a dental emergency during this time. While we are closed to routine appointments, we are still prepared to satisfy your emergency dentistry needs. If you are experiencing tooth pain, gum swelling, or a knocked-out tooth, contact our office and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


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